McLain Location Audio provides sound recording services to television productions.

Serving the Twin Cities and beyond.

See the credits, equipment and BTS below!

Call / Text / Email Jeff about your production!




“Silver Linings” - Tom Attwater, Dir. - Documentary

“Xiaflex” - Kathryn Wyatt, Dir. - Commercial

“Going Home - Story of Ahmad Joudeh” - Lacey Uhlemeyer, Dir. - Documentary

“Untitled Lincoln Doc” - Special Occasion, LLC. Shaun Peterson, Dir. - Documentary


“High Road” - Gnarly Bay, Lyndsey Hagen, Dir. - Documentary

“1923 EPK, Harrison Ford” - Paramount Plus, Nicole Cobbs, Dir. - EPK for Network

"Snapped" - Ep. 3103 - Oxygen True Crime - Documentary

"Stockman Bank Home Refinance" - Spiker Communications - Gravity Media, Kagan Yochim, Dir. - Commercial

NBC American Song Contest - Ryan Charles, Wyoming - EPK for Network

"Big Check" for Whitefish Credit Union - Otherworldly Productions - Commercial


"A Livelihood Worth Protecting" Welker Farms for Nationwide Insurance - Commercial

“Dogwood” - Independent Feature, Maya Dittloff, Dir. - Narrative

“Great American Build - Montana Ranchers & Farmers” - Build Back Better - Commercial

“Landscapes of a Western Mind: The Story of Ivan Doig” - Nic Davis Dir. - Documentary

“Something Bit Me” - National Geographic Channel / Disney Plus - Documentary

“Women On Death Row” - A&E - Documentary

"Attack and Release" for Stio - Tom Attwater, Dir/DP - Branded Documentary

Equipment Includes:

Sound Devices 633 mixer/recorder

Sound Devices Mix Pre 10ii mixer/recorder

Up to 5-Channels of Lectrosonics wireless mics

Shotgun Mics: Sennheiser 416, Sanken CS3e, Sanken CSM1

Interior Mics: Sennheiser MKH50, Schoeps CMC6mk41

Lav Mics: Sanken COS11d, DPA 4060, Countrymen B6 - in black and white

Timecode for (3) Cameras, Timecode SmartSlate

Booms, grip, Comteks/IFB, car rigs, sound blankets


Some samples below of various projects I’ve recorded…